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Sonar: Replace `is` with `==` for literal or new object comparisons


ImportanceReview GuidanceRequires Scanning Tool
LowMerge Without ReviewYes (Sonar)

This codemod acts upon the following Sonar rules: python:S5796.

The is and is not operators only evaluate to True when the expressions on each side have the same id. In other words, a is b is equivalent to id(a) == id(b). With few exceptions, objects and literals have unique identities and thus shouldn't generally be compared by using the is or is not operators.

Our changes look something like this:

def foo(l):
- return l is [1,2,3]
+ return l == [1,2,3]

If you have feedback on this codemod, please let us know!


Why is this codemod marked as Merge Without Review?​

Since literals and new objects have their own identities, comparisons against them using is operators are most likely a bug and thus we deem the change safe.

Codemod Settings​

