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Replace unsafe usage of `flask.send_file`


ImportanceReview GuidanceRequires Scanning Tool
MediumMerge Without ReviewNo

The Flask send_file function from Flask is susceptible to a path traversal attack if its input is not properly validated. In a path traversal attack, the malicious agent can craft a path containing special paths like ./ or ../ to resolve a file outside of the expected directory path. This potentially allows the agent to overwrite, delete or read arbitrary files. In the case of flask.send_file, the result is that a malicious user could potentially download sensitive files that exist on the filesystem where the application is being hosted. Flask offers a native solution with the flask.send_from_directory function that validates the given path.

Our changes look something like this:

-from flask import Flask, send_file
+from flask import Flask
+import flask
+from pathlib import Path

app = Flask(__name__)

def download_file(name):
- return send_file(f'path/to/{name}.txt')
+ return flask.send_from_directory((p := Path(f'path/to/{name}.txt')).parent,

If you have feedback on this codemod, please let us know!


Why is this codemod marked as Merge Without Review?​

We believe this change is safe and will not cause any issues.

Codemod Settings​

