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Set content type to `application/json` for `django.http.HttpResponse` with JSON data


ImportanceReview GuidanceRequires Scanning Tool
MediumMerge Without ReviewNo

The default content_type for HttpResponse in Django is 'text/html'. This is true even when the response contains JSON data. If the JSON contains (unsanitized) user-supplied input, a malicious user may supply HTML code which leaves the application vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS). This fix explicitly sets the response type to application/json when the response body is JSON data to avoid this vulnerability. Our changes look something like this:

from django.http import HttpResponse
import json

def foo(request):
json_response = json.dumps({ "user_input": request.GET.get("input") })
- return HttpResponse(json_response)
+ return HttpResponse(json_response, content_type="application/json")

If you have feedback on this codemod, please let us know!


Why is this codemod marked as Merge Without Review?​

This change will only restrict the response type and will not alter the response data itself. Thus we deem it safe.

Codemod Settings​

