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Added secure flag to HTTP cookies (CodeQL)

ImportanceReview GuidanceRequires Scanning Tool
LOWMerge Without ReviewYes (CodeQL)

This change marks new cookies sent in the HTTP with the "secure" flag. This flag, despite its ambitious name, only provides one type of protection: confidentiality. Cookies with this flag are guaranteed by the browser never to be sent over a cleartext channel ("http://") and only sent over secure channels ("https://").

Our change introduces this flag with a simple 1-line statement:

  Cookie cookie = new Cookie("my_cookie", userCookieValue);
+ cookie.setSecure(true);

Note: this code change may cause issues with the application if any of the places this code runs (in CI, pre-production or in production) are running in non-HTTPS protocol.


Why is this codemod marked as Merge Without Review?​

This code change may cause issues with the application if any of the places this code runs (in CI, pre-production or in production) are running over plaintext HTTP.
