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Pixeebot can automatically fix issues detected by SonarCloud. This page explains how to integrate your SonarCloud results with Pixeebot.


Looking to fix SonarQube issues? See SonarQube

How to Get Started​

  1. Install Pixeebot GitHub Application
  2. Install Sonar GitHub Application
  3. Add Upload Tool Results GitHub Action
  4. Start receiving Pull Requests from Pixeebot that address Sonar findings.

More Information​

Pixeebot fixes issues detected by SonarCloud when repositories have both the Pixeebot and SonarCloud GitHub Apps installed.

For public repositories using SonarCloud, Pixeebot retrieves results from automatically with no further configuration required from the user.

For private repositories using SonarCloud, use the pixee/upload-tool-results-action GitHub Action to synchronize SonarCloud findings with Pixeebot.